As well as his yearly delivering of school supplies, Ray Shackelford (with the help of Kevin Bekevich and the villagers) helped build an out-house toilet as well as doing some much needed repairs on the school house.

They also completed the fresh-water well being drilled on the property. Now the school house property, the kiddos and the teachers cabins have running water. Ray explained to the children the importance of good hygiene and nutrition.

Also repaired was the solar panel which provides reading lights for the school as well as other basic necessities including power to make the hand-crafted tote bags. We still need more solar panels, please see how you can help here.

Lastly a big shout out to Kevin who also stuck around and taught the kids English for a couple of months while he was in the country, way to go man!

Thank you to all the wonderful people that volunteer and make this happen!

Pledge your support today, so little can go so far and mean so much in a place like Cambodia.